Firhouse Community College

SPHE Programme

Post-Primary Social, Personal and Health Education, Junior Cycle Programme

Module Year One Year Two Year Three
Understanding myself and others Creating a safe SPHE classroom
Coping with change
Making connections
Knowing myself
Managing myself
Loving myself
Understanding boundaries
Respecting myself and others
Making a new start
Looking ahead
Learning to study
Being Safe
Exploring my identity
Nurturing my self-esteem
Understanding and showing empathy
Respectful Communication
Inequality in our world
The year ahead- Goal Setting
Making the most of my study time
How I see myself
Seeking help and support
Respectful Communication – Conflict
Making healthy choices Alcohol
What is it?
Effects on brain and body
Addictive Behaviours
How addiction changes the brain
Unhealthy choices- Screens
Healthy eating
Addiction – Why me?
Values and Choices
Substance Use
Addictive Substances and my life
Using Addictive Behaviours as a coping mechanism
Sharing personal images online
Relationships and Sexuality Changes during adolescence
Reproduction and sexuality
Gender Identity and Expression
Sexual Orientation
Gender Stereotypes
Equality, Equity and Inclusivity
Healthy and Unhealthy relationships
Challenges in Relationships
The nature of friendship- Having a friend and being a friend
Me and my family now
Respecting myself and others
Appreciating the nature of human sexuality
Looking after my reproductive health
How does the media influence me?
Romantic relationships
The changing nature of relationships
Setting boundaries and negotiating consent
Aspects of Sexuality
Responsible Relationships
Seeking help
Influences of Media on relationships and sexuality
Emotional Wellbeing Emotional Wellbeing
The impact of stress
Building resilience
Teenage Nutrition
Physical exercise
Sleep hygiene
My online world: Communicating with empathy
Respectfully sharing information online
Positive thinking
Challenging times
Challenging times – mental health and young people
Abusive behaviour
Factors that affect my emotional wellbeing

The Dept of Ed & Science recognise that each school has flexibility within this framework, while comprehensively addressing the curriculum to plan the SPHE programme most suitable for the students and the school.

Firhouse Community College
Firhouse, Dublin 24, D24 HY03
01 452 5807
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