Post-Primary Social, Personal and Health Education, Junior Cycle Programme
Module |
Year One |
Year Two |
Year Three |
Understanding myself and others |
Creating a safe SPHE classroom Coping with change Making connections Knowing myself Managing myself Loving myself Understanding boundaries Respecting myself and others |
Self-Management: Making a new start Looking ahead Learning to study Being Safe Exploring my identity Nurturing my self-esteem Understanding and showing empathy Respectful Communication Inequality in our world |
The year ahead- Goal Setting Making the most of my study time How I see myself Seeking help and support Respectful Communication – Conflict Inequality |
Making healthy choices |
Alcohol Smoking Vaping: What is it? Effects on brain and body Consequences |
Addictive Behaviours Vaping How addiction changes the brain Unhealthy choices- Screens Healthy eating Addiction – Why me? Values and Choices |
Substance Use Addictive Substances and my life Using Addictive Behaviours as a coping mechanism Sharing personal images online |
Relationships and Sexuality |
Changes during adolescence Reproduction and sexuality Gender Identity and Expression Sexual Orientation Gender Stereotypes Equality, Equity and Inclusivity Healthy and Unhealthy relationships Challenges in Relationships |
The nature of friendship- Having a friend and being a friend Me and my family now Respecting myself and others Appreciating the nature of human sexuality Looking after my reproductive health How does the media influence me? |
Romantic relationships The changing nature of relationships Setting boundaries and negotiating consent Aspects of Sexuality Responsible Relationships Seeking help Influences of Media on relationships and sexuality |
Emotional Wellbeing |
Emotional Wellbeing The impact of stress Building resilience Teenage Nutrition Physical exercise Sleep hygiene My online world: Communicating with empathy Respectfully sharing information online Anti-Bullying |
Stress Positive thinking Resilience Challenging times Anti-Bullying |
Challenging times – mental health and young people Abusive behaviour Factors that affect my emotional wellbeing |
The Dept of Ed & Science recognise that each school has flexibility within this framework, while comprehensively addressing the curriculum to plan the SPHE programme most suitable for the students and the school.