Welcome to Firhouse Community College’s website and thank you for taking the time to discover more about our college. We hope that as you browse through our pages you will get a flavour of what our college is all about – an inclusive, thriving, vibrant, caring community, where teaching and learning are at the core. The college offers excellent modern facilities, a wide ranging curriculum and a very broad and exciting extra-curricular programme.
Firhouse Community .College first opened its doors to the community in 1982. Over the past 39 years the college has provided educational opportunities to the young people of Firhouse and beyond. We pride ourselves in offering a wide and varied curriculum in a caring, inclusive environment where our students experience the most up to date and innovative teaching methodologies. This setting provides each and every student with the opportunity to gain maximum benefit from their time in our care.
Firhouse Community College is very proud of the reputation that it has developed over the years. This is a result of the hard work and wonderful commitment of our very dedicated and talentedteaching staff, our students and their parents. We are very fortunate to have a very hard working and proactive Parents’ Council who work closely with us in providing the best for our students.
In Firhouse Community College we are very committed to the Pastoral Care of our students. At the core of this is our Year Head Tutor system. As far as possible we keep the Year Head and the Class Tutor with the class group for the duration of their time in our college. This allows us to get to know our students very well which in turn helps to ensure that they see the school as a safe and caring environment where they are valued and respected and a place where they are encouraged to grow and develop and fulfil their potential. We encourage parents to keep in
regular contact with us and each year we hold Parent/Tutor meetings where each parent has the opportunity to have an in-depth discussion with the class tutor.
We encourage our Senior Students to become positive role models for the Junior Students. Each year we appoint a group of our 6thYear student as Prefects for our incoming 1stYears. Our 6thYears see this as an honour and a privilege. They develop real leadership skills and are a great support to the 1stYears through their transition from primary to secondary school.
Central to everything we do in the college are teaching and learning. We set high standards for ourselves in the delivery of curriculum and we encourage our students to set ambitious but realistic goals for themselves, goals which motivate them to achieve to the maximum of their ability.
We believe in the use of modern technology. Every teaching space is equipped with an interactive white board and we now have a number of class sets of iPads.
We are fully immersed in the implementation of the new Junior Cycle and a number of our teachers are involved in delivering in-service to other teaching staffs across the country. This experience means that these teachers bring the most up to date Teaching and Learning Methodologies back to our students in FCC. We place great emphasis on Assessment for Learning as a teaching and learning tool. We encourage active teaching and learning. We value the development of the critical skills of independent research and problem solving.
We firmly believe in positive reinforcement and present Student Awards twice yearly to acknowledge and promote the good work of the students.
If you would like to learn more about our college please browse through our website or feel free to contact us by phone or by e-mail and arrange a time to meet with us.
Senan Nolan - Principal